Why an AC Cage?

Why an AC Cage?

You may have already heard of AC unit theft before, but maybe you feel that you live in a safe area where criminals would not do such a thing. Think again. Some thieves are so desperate that they will steal the condenser off of your AC unit because there are copper and aluminum inside. A thief can fetch about $40-60 for a stolen AC condenser at a metal scrap dealer.

You need an AC security cage not only as a theft deterrent but also as a money-saver versus not having one. For example, most people do not realize that replacing a stolen AC condenser is a significant expense and you will have to deal with maintenance specialists, get cost estimates, possibly have to go through your homeowner’s insurance, and go through other time and money-consuming hassles that could be avoided with the installation of a cage. 

Installing an AC Cage over you AC Unit will not only save you a lot of money, but it will also save you a lot of grief.  Check us out at http://ac-cages.com to see if we can help you out. 

Air Conditioner Cage


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