AC Units Stolen?

AC Units Stolen?

Have you had your air conditioning unit stolen from your home or business?  If you have, you know how bad this sucks.  First of all, it never happens at a "good time".  You have to find an HVAC repairman that has the time to come out and replace your AC Unit, then you have to hope he has one in stock, or one he can get to replace your AC Unit.  Then after he installs your new air conditioning unit, you hope and pray that they don't come back and still your new AC Unit (after all, they have already marked you as an easy target).  How can you stop them from coming back and stealing your new AC Unit?  You put an AC Cage over it.  Our AC Cages (or AC Guard as some call them) are custom built and installed over your AC Unit.  They do have a locked removable top that slides off for easy maintenance on your AC Unit.  Now that you are no longer an easy target, the thieves will move on to an easier target making your life a lot easier and giving you peace of mind.  Vist our website at 

Custom AC Cage

AC Cage installed

Custom AC Cage

AC cage


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